Åpent for alle
The Norwegian Transparency Act, which came into force in July 2022, promotes the obligation to respect fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. The Act applies to larger Norwegian enterprises that offer goods and services abroad, as well as to foreign enterprises operating in Norway and that are liable for tax to Norway pursuant to internal Norwegian legislation.
To provide you with a deeper understanding of the Act and the obligations that it sets forth, we are pleased to invite you to a webinar on the Norwegian Transparency Act, presenting its requirements and mandatory compliance criteria, as well as relevant legislation in South Africa. See detailed program below.
09.00 – 09.05: Welcome and short introduction by the Embassy
09.05 – 09.30: Introduction to the Norwegian Transparency Act. By Executive Director Heidi Furustøl and Senior Advisor Kaja Elise Gresko, Ethical Trade Norway.
09.30 – 09.45: Businesses’ obligations to honour human rights and due diligence considerations under South African Law. By Professors Bonita Meyersfeld and Charmika Samaradiwakera Wijesundara, Wits School of Law.
09.45 – 10.00: Experiences from the Norwegian Wine Monopoly “Vinmonopolet”. Head of Sustainability Elisabeth Biering and Senior Sustainability Advisor Sasha-Monique Elvik, the Norwegain Wine Monopoly.
10.00 – 10.30: Q&A
The webinar is free and open to all.
To register, please RSVP to eline.naeverdal@mfa.no by the 31st of May, 2024.
Etisk handel Norge
Etisk handel Norge Hausmanns gate 19, 0182 Oslo
Telefon: 21 09 04 90
E-post: info@etiskhandel.no
org. nr. 982 929 474