Kun medlemmer

SMETA audits in the context of sustainability due diligence

In responsible business conduct and due diligence work, social audits can play an important role by assessing the social and ethical practices within a company’s operations and supply chain.

Kun medlemmer

Om 5 måneder
17. september
- 12:00






Free, only for members of Ethical Trade Norway
Rikke Mohn Halvorsen
Senior Advisor
Joshua French
Strategic & Enterprise Account Manager SEDEX

Many organizations are turning to SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) audits as a tool in their sustainability due diligence efforts. 

Social audits evaluate factors such as labour conditions, workers' rights, health and safety, and compliance with local and international standards. By identifying risks like child labour, forced labour, discrimination, and unsafe working conditions, social audits can contribute to a companies work in uncovering and prioritize risk areas and appropriate measures. 

This seminar will delve into the role of SMETA audits in enhancing transparency, ensuring ethical practices, and fostering sustainability across supply chains. Participants will gain insights into how SMETA audits can be leveraged to identify risks, drive continuous improvement, and meet both regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. Join us as we explore the intersection of SMETA audits and sustainability due diligence, and learn how to navigate the challenges and opportunities in today’s complex business environment.