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The Responsible Purchasing Practices Learning and Implementation Community (LIC), supports companies in practically improving purchasing practices, using the Common Framework on Responsible Purchasing Practices (CFRPP) as a reference point. Six member companies of Ethical Trade Norway, together with 29 other European garment brands and retailers in the community, have committed to working on improving purchasing practices, together with supply chain partners through the LIC. At this point, half-way through the community’s journey, we are inviting you to a public meeting where we will share progress and our learnings so far.
You can register for the event here.
The LIC is one of the activities established by the Multi-Stakeholder Initiative Working Group on Responsible Purchasing Practices and is led by Ethical Trading Initiative, Ethical Trade Norway, Fair Wear, the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST) and Solidaridad. The community involves meetings for sharing good practices and learnings (from experts, manufacturers and companies) and developing and sharing practical tools, resources and guidance to support companies in their progress. An essential element of the community is the involvement of supply chain partners of participating companies and manufacturers proposed by The Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI), to find practical solutions that are workable in the supply chain.
The Multi-Stakeholder Initiative Working Group on Responsible Purchasing Practices, which collaborated to develop the Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices, is also working together on disseminating and promoting the uptake and implementation of the Framework, and on influencing relevant policy.
You can register for the event here.
Etisk handel Norge
Etisk handel Norge Hausmanns gate 19, 0182 Oslo
Telefon: 21 09 04 90
E-post: info@etiskhandel.no
org. nr. 982 929 474