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International launch of report: Human rights due diligence in challenging contexts

On 11 June 2024, the Joint Ethical Trading Initiatives will launch the new report Human rights due diligence in challenging contexts.

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Om 8 måneder
11. juni
- 11:00





Ethical Trade Norway
Ethical Trade Denmark
ETI Sweden

Business is increasingly operating in challenging contexts: in regions affected by conflicts or witnessing systematic and/or state-imposed violations of human rights. In such contexts, implementing human rights due diligence and meeting the expectations on responsible business conduct can prove more difficult, and sometimes impossible.

On 11 June 2024, the Joint Ethical Trading Initiatives will launch the report “Human rights due diligence in challenging contexts. Introduction, case studies and resource overview.”. This report provides practical examples of how companies operating in or sourcing from challenging contexts are managing human rights risks, in line with the UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines. During the webinar, we’ll hear examples from companies about the special HRDD measures they have implemented and reflections from experts in the field of RBC and HRDD.

Programme TBA.

The report can be downloaded here.

Follow this link to sign up for the event.