Åpent for alle
Wages and labor rights are a significant risk and challenge in many global value chains. Wages are increasingly high on the agenda due to the new sustainability requirements under CSRD legislation - especially ESRS S2 (Workers in value chains) and due diligence requirements (CSDDD) legislation. We now bring actors across the Nordic banana value chains together for a joint initiative to close the living wage gap in the banana sector.
At this kick-off meeting we will:
The target group for the meeting and the initiative are all actors in and around the Nordic banana value chain. This includes retailers, traders, public buyers, NGOs, certification bodies and authorities.
Click here to sign up and read more about the event
Etisk handel Norge
Etisk handel Norge Hausmanns gate 19, 0182 Oslo
Telefon: 21 09 04 90
E-post: info@etiskhandel.no
org. nr. 982 929 474