The ETN Living Wage Wednesdays aims to increase our members’ knowledge about living wages, and provide practical advice and inspiration as to how a purchasing company can work to enable and implement the payment of living wages in their supply chain. The series entails members meetings with presentations by external experts, to enable dialogue, discussions and sharing of lessons learned and best practice. We aim to keep the sessions practical, leaving substantial time for questions from our members, to strive towards providing relevant knowledge for your company, supply chain and business model.

27 April 2022 – 09.00-10.30 – English

Bea Ruoff, Head of Operations, Accountability and Monitoring at ACT on Living Wages
Johan Genneby, Global Sustainability Manager at H&M Group
Linda Ingolfsdottir, Strategy Lead for Fair Jobs at H&M Group

ACT on Living Wages is an international agreement between trade unions and global brands and retailers to transform the garment, textile and footwear industry and achieve living wages for workers. Their focus is on collective bargaining at industry level, assisted by responsible purchasing practices. Bea is an expert in wage setting and will share more about the ACT approach and her experience with working strategically with trade unions and brands towards realising living wages.

H&M has been focusing on living wages for a long time, and launched their living wage strategy in 2013. H&M was part of the founding members of ACT, and have been collaborating with ACT on their living wage approach. Linda will talk to us about how H&M has been working with living wages historically, results and lessons learned so far. Johan will present the H&M Group’s work with wages in the production supply chain going forward.



The event is for members of Ethical Trade Norway and it is free.